Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ok - I mean, Sat. Sept. 12!!

Our Garage Sale is actually Sat. Sept 12th! Thank you to my dear friends who keep me on my toes! Our garage is filling up fast! You guys are amazing. Keep it coming!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Garage Sale - Coming Right up! Sat, Sept. 11

Hey All!!

Short & sweet, this post will be! We are having another garage sale on Sat. Sept. 11. If you need to clean out, start now! Bring us your stuff! Our garage is already starting to pile up! We made $1300 at our last sale in May for the adoption. We are giving it one more go round!

Thanks for all your love and support!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Great school start!

Well, now I've just become a blogger-slacker - a slogger, if you will.

We started to school last Thursday and have had a great few days to start us off. My boys are in 1st and 2nd grades and I am so fortunate because they LOVE school.
E has the same 1st grade teacher as Asa had last year and we are thrilled about that. She goes to our church and loves on them so much. She's also a great teacher :)! Asa got the teacher he wanted as well. A teacher who lives in our neighborhood and also talk about her faith frequently. We go to a public school but we live in such a small area - it feels like a private school to us! Even though there are 5-6 classes of each grade, it still feels like a small community. Great moms - great teachers- great support.

I think I'm going to start painting! Ha! I took art lessons growing up and loved it. I think I'm super mediocre at a lot of things. I can pick up most anything and be pretty good at it - but I haven't mastered much!!! But yesterday, I went to a painting place in Charleston with some friends from work. It was a blast! It's called Bottles N Brushes. We painted for a few hours and I think I may have a new hobby! Maybe I'll post some of my artwork...if you're lucky.

That's it. Adoption news is still. They've had a few children become available in the past couple of weeks but they are all the same age as E & Asa. We aren't in a hurry. It's a good thing!