Well, now I've just become a blogger-slacker - a slogger, if you will.
We started to school last Thursday and have had a great few days to start us off. My boys are in 1st and 2nd grades and I am so fortunate because they LOVE school.
E has the same 1st grade teacher as Asa had last year and we are thrilled about that. She goes to our church and loves on them so much. She's also a great teacher :)! Asa got the teacher he wanted as well. A teacher who lives in our neighborhood and also talk about her faith frequently. We go to a public school but we live in such a small area - it feels like a private school to us! Even though there are 5-6 classes of each grade, it still feels like a small community. Great moms - great teachers- great support.
I think I'm going to start painting! Ha! I took art lessons growing up and loved it. I think I'm super mediocre at a lot of things. I can pick up most anything and be pretty good at it - but I haven't mastered much!!! But yesterday, I went to a painting place in Charleston with some friends from work. It was a blast! It's called Bottles N Brushes. We painted for a few hours and I think I may have a new hobby! Maybe I'll post some of my artwork...if you're lucky.
That's it. Adoption news is still. They've had a few children become available in the past couple of weeks but they are all the same age as E & Asa. We aren't in a hurry. It's a good thing!
My Two Erics
9 years ago
Those boyos find favor everywhere they go!